Platform Changes In 2021

December 2021

    Message original headers can now be accessed. This comes handy to fetch the original email headers, such as To: and From:. Check out the reference for this route.

November 2021
  • Other

    The Node wrapper library has been renamed from node-crisp-api to crisp-api. Please update your package.json if you are using this library. The deprecated library can still be installed, but will not receive any update in the future.


    A new route has been added to the people resource, improving people data management. The new route adds a PATCH HTTP method aside the PUT method, which allows adding new data keys without re-submitting all previously-set data everytime. Check out this new route.

October 2021

    New routes have been added to the people resource, allowing the management of suggested events. They make it possible to re-use previously pushed events. Read more about those routes.

June 2021

    Conversation geolocation is now resolved from the user IP address whenever this IP address is set for the first time, or later updated, via the REST API. Previously, only the Crisp Web SDK was able to resolve the geolocation from user IP address.

April 2021

    Plugin Widgets are now able to forward user actions to plugins (eg. click on a widget button), via a webhook payload. Note that this gets delivered by a dedicated system, ie. not through to our Web Hooks service.

March 2021

    The total number of messages any given conversation can hold is now limited, due to abuse and integrations that pushed the same messages over and over again in the same set of conversations. As this is not the intended use of our platform resources, we are now limiting the total number of messages a conversation can store in the range of 10,000+ messages. If this limit is reached when sending a message from the REST API, the API will respond with 409 "too_many_messages".

  • Chatbox SDK

    A new connection mode has been added to the Crisp Web SDK, called "zombie mode". If a chatbox user is idle for too long on the Web, their chatbox connection will be permanently cut, even if the user moves their mouse. That is, until the user interacts with the chatbox itself, eg. by intending to send a message. This connection mode ensures our chatbox service performs better at our scale. This may impact your Crisp Web SDK programmatic integrations (done through JavaScript code).

  • Chatbox SDK

    The legacy Crisp Android SDK has been deprecated. This previous Web-based Android SDK has been replaced by the better native Android SDK.

  • Chatbox SDK

    A new Crisp Android SDK is out! 🎉 This new Android SDK is faster and more efficient, as it is built using native Android technologies.

January 2021

    Mandatory daily request quotas have been added to plugin tokens. Those quotas replace traditional rate-limits, and allow integrations to safely request the REST API in bursts without being subject to eg. per-minute rate-limits. Those daily quotas limit how many total requests per day an integration can make. Higher quotas can be requested at any time. You are notified whenever your quota limit is approaching, so that you have time to plan and request higher quotas.


    Multiple REST API routes are now unavailable to plugin tokens. Those routes were never intended for use in integrations, so the impact should be limited. This is related to the new requirement of plugin tokens to use token scopes.


    The RTM API now honors token scopes for plugin tokens. This means that integrations will only receive real-time events that their token scopes permit.


    Token scopes have been added to plugin tokens. They can be requested through our Marketplace, and allow Crisp integrations to obtain granular permissions on connected Crisp websites, which limit which data they can read and write. It is not possible anymore to use non-scoped plugin tokens.